Contact us

Interested in working with me on new website? I’d love to hear from you! As I offer a specialised, boutique service, I am only able to take on a limited selection of projects per year. If you have a project that would be a great match for custom work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Contact me.

Email is the preferred way to reach me, 365 days per year. At the moment, most meetings will be conducted via Zoom as I am working from home (I’ll supply the meeting link and access details). Otherwise, I am available to meet in Hobart for more involved sessions.

[email protected]
0409 573 722
GPO Box 1764, Hobart TAS 7001, Australia
Business hours
9am–4pm Monday–Friday for general enquiries by email or phone.
After hours
I monitor email every day of the year and you are very welcome to email me at any time! However, I may get back to you during regular business hours if it’s not an emergency.

I’d love to hear about your project!

Just send me an email with details of your project.

Some helpful information to provide includes:

  • Do you have a current website?
  • Do you have a graphic designer who would be designing the site (or would you like a recommendation for a designer)?
  • Do you have professional photography?
  • What budget have you allocated to the project?
  • Are there any websites that you like or dislike?
  • How did you find out about my services?

In the interest of saving some time…

My niche is that I create custom, hand-crafted websites. My focus is on creating world-class public-facing work with unique designs and high levels of usability, accessibility, and search engine optimisation. As such, there are some things that I don’t offer:

  • I don’t offer ready-made systems like WordPress or similar (every website is 100% hand built).
  • I don’t use off-the-shelf templates (I only work with custom designs).
  • I don’t develop custom backend ‘software’ applications (other firms specialise in this; however, you can engage me for the front-end or public-facing site and another firm for specialised software).

But if you are after wonderfully handmade, unique website… that’s my specialty! And if you aren’t sure if I offer what you are after, please just ask!